Wednesday, March 2, 2011

2011 Garden Sign Up

Hello Everyone!

Sign up for a plot at the Whitehorse Community Garden will take place on Saturday, April 2nd, at the Whitehorse Public Library from 12-2pm. As always, returning gardeners from the previous year will get first choice of their beds and then all remaining beds are available on a first come, first serve basis. The costs are as follows:

Annual Membership Fee: $20.00
Bed Deposit: $20.00
Shed Key Deposit: $5.00

Returning gardeners need only pay the annual membership and possibly the key deposit if you need a new key to the shed.
As part of the Gardener's Contract, and general philosophy of the community garden, all members are expected to give a minimum of 16 hours in volunteer time to the garden. This works out to about an hour a week for the extent of the growing season (May-September). These hours can be worked in the form of assigned tasks or as part of the weekly work bee. We also usually have a couple of early/pre-season work bees to get the garden cleaned up and ready to go. These are a great way to work off some of those hours early in the season and free up your time later on to concentrate on your garden plot! We will announce dates and times once we get closer to spring, which seems really far away these past few -30 nights!

I look forward to seeing all the familiar faces at the sign up as well as any new ones...

See you soon!